We provide free shipping to our customers located anywhere in country.
Usually we ship our orders within 24 to 48 hours of receiving orders. Once shipped you will get your delivery within next 3 to 4 business days.
We ship our orders via reputed courier service providers like Bluedart, Delhivery, Ecom Express, Aramex, Xpressbees, Shiprocket etc.
In case of prepaid orders for which our courier partners do not provide shipping facility we dispatch them via Indian Speed Post.
In case you do not receive your order within 7 days of placing your order you can contact us at enquiry@q2fashion.com
Due to factors that commonly affect shipments, such as weather delays, holidays and customs inspections, we are unable to guarantee shipping times.
We reserve the right to cancel your order in case your our courier partners do not provide COD facility at your pin code.
Currently, we do not fulfill orders for which shipping address is beyond boundaries of India. And we reserve the right to cancel those orders.